The World List of Natural Sites of Tourist Attraction

The World List of Tangibles of Tourist Attraction

The World List of Intangibles of Tourist Attraction

The World List of Particular Tourist Attractions

North America
South America

The World List of Tourist Attractions confirms the exceptional universal value of the object and requires popularization for the benefit of all mankind in the interests of sustainable development of communities of nations

top 10 tourist destinations listed on The World List of Special Tourist Attractions

according to The International Committee for Tourism Attractiveness and Sustainable Tourism Development

Waterparks included in the World List of Tourist Attraction
Amusement parks included in the World List of Tourist Attraction
Natural parks included in the World List of Tourist Attraction
Beaches included in the World List of Tourist Attraction
Hotels included in the World List of Tourist Attraction
Waterfalls included in the World List of Tourist Attraction
Bridges included in the World List of Tourist Attraction
Rivers included in the World List of Tourist Attraction
Lakes included in the World List of Tourist Attraction
Сasinos included in the World List of Tourist Attraction


The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness

Paving the way for a more sustainable and inclusive future.

The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index measures “the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable development of the travel and tourism sector, which in turn, contributes to the development and competitiveness of a country”. The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index enables all stakeholders to work together to improve the industry’s competitiveness in their national economies.

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness

We are opening you amazing world of travel

Resource efficiency, conservation, and new technologies are the focus of a new international partnership on sustainable tourism.

The International Committee for Tourism Attractiveness and Sustainable Tourism Development presents the World List of Tourist Attractions.



The International Committee on Tourism Attractiveness and Sustainable Tourism Development gives a personal certificate confirming the inclusion in the World List of Particular Tourist Attractions to all the objects that are on the final list. Each tourist attraction is assigned by individual and unique number. All objects from the World List are inscribed on a unified international register.